iHeartDogs.com الأسئلة الشائعة للعملاء

أهم الإجابات والأدلة الإرشادية

ما هو رقم هاتف iHeartDogs.com؟

السؤال الذي يُطرح علينا غالبًا هو كيفية التحدث إلى خدمة عملاء iHeartDogs.com. انقر هنا للحصول على معلومات الاتصال وخيارات البريد الإلكتروني والدردشة والحصول على شخص حي وأوقات الانتظار والمزيد.
اطرح أي سؤال لديك حول خدمة عملاء iHeartDogs.com، واحصل على إجابة الآن.

أسئلة عملاء iHeartDogs.com الأخيرة

I need to cancel my subscription because my dog has passed away

We're sincerely sorry for your loss. To cancel your subscription, you need to log in to your iHeartDogs.com account. Once you're logged in, find the subscription section, which should be listed under your account settings. You should see an option to cancel there. If you're having trouble, please ensure you're using the correct account information related to your subscription. Please note that all cancellation requests must be done through your user account. We appreciate your understanding and support.
تم السؤال Apr 26, 2024 1:06 PM

I want to cancel all future auto ships

To cancel all future auto shipments of your products from iHeartDogs.com, you will need to login into your account and go to your Auto Ship settings. From here, you should see an option to cancel or adjust any products you have set to Auto Ship. Please remember to save your changes before you exit. If you are having difficulties, you can always reach out to the iHeartDogs customer service for additional assistance.
تم السؤال Feb 29, 2024 11:30 PM

we started the chews yesterday and today have very soft stools - is this typical?

It's not uncommon for a change in diet or the addition of new supplements, like chews, to temporarily affect a dog's digestive system. This could result in softer stools until your dog's system adjusts to the new product. However, if the soft stools persist or if your dog shows any signs of discomfort, it may be best to stop the chews and consult with a veterinarian. It's always important to monitor your pet's health and behaviour when introducing any new food or supplement.
تم السؤال Feb 29, 2024 6:41 PM

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