Bungie.net Customer Service Issues

Archive 11

The following are issues that customers reported to GetHuman about Bungie.net customer service, archive #11. It includes a selection of 20 issue(s) reported December 20, 2019 onward. If you have a similar customer service issue, this page will help you find current, up-to-date answers and solutions too.
Hello Bungie customer support, I recently encountered a concerning issue when I returned home from school today. I observed that Destiny 2 was not operational, even though I had set up a strategy to farm dawning essence by lowering my light level below [redacted] and queuing a forge overnight. Upon launching the game, I received an error message indicating that my account had been banned. Distressed and perplexed, I attempted various troubleshooting methods to no avail. I suspect my younger brother, who was home alone while I was at school, may have played a role in this issue, though I have not found any concrete evidence to support this. Additionally, I noticed a $25 charge to my PayPal account sent to "Brus Company Ltd," which seems unrelated to Destiny 2. I am eager to resolve this matter and regain access to my account, as Destiny 2 is a significant source of enjoyment for me. Any guidance on the reason for the ban and steps I can take to rectify the situation would be greatly appreciated. My Steam name is 'dorkyrooster,' and I am committed to cooperating fully to address this issue promptly. Thank you for your assistance in advance.
Reported by GetHuman4130276 on Jumaat, 20 Disember 2019 pukul 21.20
During the Destiny 2 PvP - Survival Playlist on Friday, December 20, at around 8:05-8:15 pm CST, I experienced an issue. While playing a match where the score was 3-1 and we were about to start the 4th round, the game didn't proceed. The opponents started playing as if we were absent. A player from the opposing team messaged me, indicating they were waiting for us but nothing happened. Subsequently, my teammates and I were unexpectedly sent back to Orbit (Destiny's world select hub) and I received a suspension in the Survival Playlist. This suspension seems to have occurred from an issue on Bungie's side, not ours.
Reported by GetHuman4131473 on Sabtu, 21 Disember 2019 pukul 02.35
I've been experiencing issues with my internet connection from SkyCable in the Philippines for about a month now. The service has been unreliable, making it difficult for me to enjoy playing Crucible/Gambit. I'm reaching out to ask for your assistance in lifting the restrictions temporarily, considering the challenges I've been facing with my internet connection. I would be grateful if you could help me with this matter.
Reported by GetHuman-gostarrb on Rabu, 25 Disember 2019 pukul 03.45
I've been playing Destiny 2 on PS4 using the PSN blocksnake77. I've encountered an issue with the quest for the Redrix's Broadsword. Despite resetting my valor over ten times in Season 9 and completing the final quest step of resetting my valor within a single season, the game hasn't recognized this completion. As a result, I am unable to obtain the pinnacle weapon. Any assistance in resolving this problem would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
Reported by GetHuman4153398 on Khamis, 26 Disember 2019 pukul 14.21
I recently received a ban without any explanation. I assure you, I do not engage in cheating, experience connection problems, or violate any terms of service. The ban occurred suddenly while I was simply playing the game. I seek clarification and wish to discuss this matter further. While I understand dealing with actual hackers may be common, I am not one of them. I kindly request a response and an opportunity for a conversation, either through chat or by phone, to address and resolve this issue. Thank you.
Reported by GetHuman-senndako on Jumaat, 27 Disember 2019 pukul 03.28
Hello. My PlayStation Network username is DeuceMk on PS4. I recently received an unjust two-month ban for an issue with a glitchy gambit match. Even though I did not quit the game, I was penalized for early quitting multiple times. I have video evidence to prove my innocence and intend to share it for review. I respectfully request to appeal this ban so I can continue playing with my friends and clan, as I have invested significantly in this game. You can find supporting video at the link provided or by searching for "Unfairly Banned" by Jason Donaldson on YouTube. For further discussion, please reach me at [redacted] or [redacted] Thank you.
Reported by GetHuman-kiddeuce on Jumaat, 27 Disember 2019 pukul 12.50
I have lost some of my paid and exclusive emblems from my collections. I can provide proof of my paid emblems by showcasing my favorite equipped emblems on my hunter. However, I have lost access to exclusive emblems like the Revelry [redacted] and the Visionary emblem. It would be greatly appreciated if you could restore the missing emblems to my collections. For verification, I can email you a screenshot of my hunter displaying the following emblems: - Sign of our city - Anomalous signal - Sign of celebration - Symphonic shift - Emblem of synth - Emblem of the fleet - Planet of peace The emblems I have completely lost and need assistance with are: - Answered call (from Revelry [redacted]) - The darkest hour (from Black Friday [redacted]) - The Visionary emblem Could you please re-add all my emblem codes to my PS4 account 'harrysbows' so I can retrieve them from collections? Alternatively, providing me with emblem codes for the missing emblems would also be helpful. Kindly email me back for a picture of my account displaying the first seven emblems mentioned.
Reported by GetHuman4204243 on Ahad, 5 Januari 2020 pukul 14.23
I am a Destiny 2 player and experiencing frequent server crashes affecting my gameplay, regardless of the wifi network used. This issue results in penalties like losing valuable valor and infamy points, leaving me frustrated as the game was purchased upon release. I believe all players, including myself, deserve compensation for these persistent server problems.
Reported by GetHuman-gavinadl on Isnin, 10 Februari 2020 pukul 02.57
I want to report a player on the Bungie forum app with the username Elscootie for bullying, harassing, and antagonizing others based on social status, education, location, and value. Their behavior, evident in their activities on the app, includes trolling, immature language, and insulting remarks that create a toxic environment for other users. I urge you to take action to maintain a safe and welcoming space for all users. Despite attempts to address this directly, the player persists in their harmful behavior, finding enjoyment in it. I have lost faith in the reporting system on the app, so I'm reaching out to you for help. Thank you for your attention to this matter and for your efforts in ensuring a positive experience on the Destiny Companion app. Sincerely, C Wise (Username: IBYZK on Xbox).
Reported by GetHuman4471447 on Isnin, 16 Mac 2020 pukul 05.03
Hello, I go by the name Licestr on Destiny 2 and Steam. I mistakenly linked the wrong account to my Steam and I am unable to unlink it. Despite showing as linked on the Bungie website, when I log in, it prompts me to create a new character instead of accessing my existing profile. The option to unlink is grayed out and I can't proceed. I would greatly appreciate assistance in completely unlinking my Steam account so I can re-link the correct one with all my progress. I've been wanting to return to the game for a while, but this issue is hindering my progress, especially after a large download. Thank you.
Reported by GetHuman4505739 on Ahad, 22 Mac 2020 pukul 02.03
I am not banned, but I received a temporary suspension from chat on the app with my old clan over a year ago. We created the clan as an adult group, and I, along with others, posted some links in our chat that we found funny. Unfortunately, my link had sexual content, and I realize now that it was inappropriate, even though it was meant for specific friends within our private chat. I acknowledge that I could have offended someone or caused harm unintentionally. After taking a break from Destiny 2, I returned to find that my suspension from using the clan chat is still in place. I understand my mistake and take full responsibility for it. I am kindly requesting to be reinstated so I can communicate with my clan, arrange raids, and seek assistance in the game. I assure you that I have learned from this experience and will not repeat the behavior. I hope to continue playing on my account (gamertag: WickyThaKid, PS4) rather than starting over. Thank you for your consideration.
Reported by GetHuman4511828 on Isnin, 23 Mac 2020 pukul 15.51
Over the recent weekend, my account was accessed by an unauthorized user, resulting in a compromise of my characters. I managed to regain access to my PSN account, only to discover restrictions in playing crucible, competitive, iron banner, and trials of Osiris. I hold no fault for this situation as my account was hacked without my knowledge, catching me off guard. I kindly request the removal of these restrictions so I can enjoy the game without hindrance. My account username is chicokilla3000 on the PS4 platform, and I am currently residing overseas as part of the military.
Reported by GetHuman-armypo on Selasa, 31 Mac 2020 pukul 08.15
This is my second restriction in Destiny 2, with the first being a similar situation. I completed my university term, returned home, played Destiny for a few days, then received a restriction due to alleged poor connection. My brother has been playing for months on the same internet with no issues. I suspect the change from university to home internet caused the problem. I have already appealed and updated my provider on my stable internet status. I believe this was the reason for the unfair restriction I received.
Reported by GetHuman-kylepate on Sabtu, 4 April 2020 pukul 01.09
I am experiencing difficulty logging into my Destiny Companion app due to an Authentication Error message. The message states that signing in with my Xbox Live account is not possible and suggests visiting xbox.com to verify or update the account. This error may be due to the Microsoft account not having an Xbox Live Gamertag or needing to agree to updated terms of use. Despite updating everything, including changing my gamerpic, the issue persists. My main goal is to log in successfully in order to facilitate faster item transfers between my characters.
Reported by GetHuman4585160 on Sabtu, 4 April 2020 pukul 19.58
Dear Bungie, I'm Joseph D. and my Bungie account email is [redacted] My Gamer tag is A1Gunsmith. I've been a loyal Destiny 2 player for years. Recently, I made a mistake and accidentally infused my recluse into my Gravitation Lance instead of the Fate Cries Foul. I obtained the recluse on Tuesday, the 7th after months of trying. I'm reaching out for help as I'm devastated by this error. I kindly ask if there is any way you could reset my Stuff of Myth Triumph so I may retrieve my recluse back. The resemblance between the weapons led to this mix-up, and I deeply regret it. Your assistance in resolving this matter would mean a lot. Thank you.
Reported by GetHuman-jdairo on Khamis, 9 April 2020 pukul 21.59
A few days ago, while playing Bungie's Destiny 2 with my friends, I received an in-game notification stating that my account had an "unstable connection," leading to a temporary suspension from PvP for two months. I find it unfair to be penalized for something beyond my control like having a poor connection. It seems unreasonable to be banned due to unintentional circumstances. I believe the issue may lie within the game's lobby stability rather than the players' connections. I attempted to contact Bungie through their troubleshooting link, but the lack of response is disappointing. It's frustrating to be banned without a valid reason or the opportunity to explain or dispute the situation. I hope for a chance to communicate with someone regarding this matter. Thank you.
Reported by GetHuman-jakxxx on Sabtu, 18 April 2020 pukul 09.00
Recently, I downloaded the Shadowkeep and Forsaken expansion packs for my Xbox. Despite both being downloaded according to the Microsoft store, the game was not recognizing the Forsaken pack. I tried resetting my Xbox, which fixed the issue with Shadowkeep, but not with Forsaken. I'm hesitant to reinstall the pack out of fear of being charged again. My Xbox account is under [redacted], and I'm also registered on the Bungie site. For further communication, please reach out to me at [redacted] Thank you.
Reported by GetHuman4757638 on Sabtu, 2 Mei 2020 pukul 18.24
Hello, I wanted to share my recent experience with Trials of Osiris on April 19. Immediately upon starting the first match, I encountered an error code, Weasel, and was subsequently banned without any clear reason. Despite being a dedicated Destiny 2 player since [redacted] with no history of cheating, harassing others, or consistent network issues, I found myself unfairly penalized. I have submitted three ban appeals with no response, even after waiting patiently for a week between each attempt. The lack of communication and resolution from Bungie is frustrating, especially considering my long history with the game and the significant time and resources I have invested. Meanwhile, the presence of actual cheaters in Destiny 2 further compounds my frustration with the situation. I am at a loss for what steps to take next as my appeals seem to have been overlooked or disregarded. It is disheartening to be ignored by the very company I have supported for years. If there is any assistance or guidance you can offer in this matter, I would sincerely appreciate it. Thank you,Cole
Reported by GetHuman4759583 on Ahad, 3 Mei 2020 pukul 05.09
I bought Destiny 2 on Battle.net a while ago. Last October, the game platform changed to Steam. They provided a procedure to maintain progression, which I followed by linking my Battle.net account to Steam and confirming the transfer. Since I play infrequently, I didn't immediately check if my account had been successfully transferred. Today, after downloading it again, I noticed everything had been reset. I tried redoing the procedure (supposed to have expired), but the "transfer" button doesn't appear after completing all steps. When attempting to transfer, I can see my Battle.net purchases for Destiny 2, which state they should be retained. I'm wondering if Bungie or Steam can help resolve this issue using my Battle.net username: Redh0x#[redacted]. Thank you.
Reported by GetHuman-redhx on Khamis, 7 Mei 2020 pukul 10.43
I recently upgraded the RAM on my laptop. Prior to the upgrade, I had already spent around 50 hours playing Destiny 2 on it. However, after the upgrade, the game stopped running properly. It would launch, but then freeze on the loading screen after about 10-15 seconds. My laptop is an Inspiron 13-[redacted] that originally had an i7-7500U processor with 8GB of RAM. I added a second 16GB stick to the existing 8GB. Despite trying different configurations by switching the RAM sticks around in both DIMM slots, the issue persisted even after reinstalling the game multiple times. I also tried updating and rolling back the BIOS with either 16GB or 24GB of RAM installed, but it didn't resolve the problem. Reverting back to the original 8GB stick that came with the laptop didn't help either. At the moment, I have reinstalled the 24GB and continue to use the laptop, but Destiny 2 still won't launch. I am unsure of what else to try as it was working fine before the RAM upgrade.
Reported by GetHuman4799756 on Ahad, 10 Mei 2020 pukul 04.31

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