كيف أعيد شيئًا إلى Amazon UK؟

شيء صغير:Most items purchased on Amazon UK can be returned within 30 days as long as they are undamaged and unused. Different products may have varied return policies. To receive a

Jeff Whelpley is the editor / author responsible for this content.
٢٥ نوفمبر ٢٠٢٤


Most items sold on Amazon UK are eligible for return within 30 days of purchase as long as they are undamaged and unused. However, note that some products may have different return policies. To get a refund, you must ship the correct and complete item or items. Otherwise, Amazon doesn't guarantee compensation for mistaken returns.

Products can be returned by dropping them off at Amazon locations near you, using a specialty carrier team for bulky or heavy items and through Amazon Hub Locations. We've detailed the steps below on how to return an item and get a refund.

Sign in To Your Amazon UK Account

Sign in with your email address and password. If you forgot the password, tap Forgot Password and wait for the verification code. You should be able to reset your password after.

How do I return something to Amazon UK? (Step 1)

Tap Account & Lists

How do I return something to Amazon UK? (Step 2)

Tap Your Orders

You can also do this by pointing the cursor to your name and selecting Your Orders in one of the options below.

How do I return something to Amazon UK? (Step 3)

Select the Product You Wish to Return

You must also select an option under the Reason for Return menu, choose your preferred method of return, and print a return label. Please put the bar code inside the package you wish to return. Place the address label and commercial invoices outside the package. The second copy of the commercial invoice is for the carrier. Also, note that each label you print is for a specific item so ensure you don't include other products in the box to get a refund.

If you purchased the item in the Marketplace, do the same process above but select Send a Returns Request. The seller will review the request before processing the refund. If you don't hear back from the seller after two business days, submit a guarantee claim. Also, when returning electronic items such as cameras, mobile phones, and laptops, remove all personal data.


Refunds can take up to 14 days and sometimes even longer. You may also receive instant refunds in the form of an Amazon gift card or a refund to the credit card. Check the status of your refund by logging in to your account and going to Your Orders. You'll find the refund status in your order summary. Amazon also sends an email when the refund has been processed, and the funds take up to seven days to reach you. Do you still have questions about returning an item to Amazon and getting a refund? Contact Customer Support today.

مزيد من الأسئلة؟

اطرح سؤالاً للمتابعة أو سؤالاً ذا صلة وسنحاول تقديم إجابة في ثوانٍ.
Jeff truly believes that all customers deserve good service. He’s been building tools, inventing phone tree hacks and helping customers since before his days at GetHuman. He's also a Google GDE and involved in the Angular community.
كيف أعيد شيئًا إلى Amazon UK؟

لماذا يكتب GetHuman أدلة كيفية Amazon UK؟

تعمل GetHuman منذ أكثر من 10 سنوات في الحصول على معلومات حول المؤسسات الكبيرة مثل Amazon UK لمساعدة العملاء على حل مشكلات خدمة العملاء بشكل أسرع. بدأنا بمعلومات الاتصال وأسرع الطرق للوصول إلى إنسان في الشركات الكبرى. خاصة تلك التي بها أنظمة IVR بطيئة أو معقدة أو قائمة الهاتف. أو الشركات التي لديها منتديات مساعدة ذاتية بدلاً من قسم خدمة العملاء. من هناك ، أدركنا أن المستهلكين لا يزالون بحاجة إلى مساعدة أكثر تفصيلاً لحل المشكلات الأكثر شيوعًا ، لذلك قمنا بالتوسع في هذه المجموعة من الأدلة ، التي تنمو كل يوم. وإذا اكتشفت أي مشكلات في دليل كيف أعيد شيئًا إلى Amazon UK؟ ، فيرجى إخبارنا عن طريق إرسال التعليقات إلينا. نريد أن نكون مساعدين قدر الإمكان. إذا كنت تقدر هذا الدليل ، يرجى مشاركته مع الأشخاص المفضلين لديك. معلوماتك وأدواتنا المجانية مدعومة من أنت ، العميل. كلما زاد عدد الأشخاص الذين يستخدمونه ، كان ذلك أفضل.

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